Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rushing off...

crystal-2 Rushing off...

She quickly got ready, and sat down to eat. Mother offered steaming breakfast and she finished it with relish. She took her bag and scrutinized if it had all the things needed for the day. ‘Hmm slate, pencil, rubber, notebook….something is missing’ she thought. It was troubling her, but she was late so she ran off waving to her mom and saying goodbye to her dog, a few yellow chicks and she couldn’t forget the hen, after all it was her favorite animal.

On the way she was thinking what had been left out, she used all her concentration and finally she discovered that her friend had borrowed her scale the day before and didn’t return it. “ Oh what if she is on leave today or worse still what if she had lost it”, she dreaded the fact that her father wouldn’t buy her a new one till the final exams, as it was customary to buy new stationery for the important exams.

As she passed her friend’s house she cried out “Shalu come out, we are late ,we cannot beg that teacher to excuse us today… again”.

(to be continued)

Friday, April 11, 2008


crystal 1- Charu

She could feel the soft, yet mystifying morning breeze….it was her custom to sleep by the window. Oh, how cozy it was when the warmth of the sun slowly enveloped her, bringing with it the happiness of yet another day. She could hear her mother’s bangles clutter as she was preparing breakfast.

Charu was a girl of twelve, tan, pretty and oh yes, her long silky black hair was the cause of the envy of her classmates, or so she thought.

The aroma of fresh butter spread on chapatti (An Indian dish), with sugar sprinkled, not too little, not too much, was engulfing the house. She quickly picked up her straw mat and pillows and placing them upon an old almirah, wondered what she should wear to school today.

Hmm, would it be the violet with pink flowers or the yellow with green dots, she thought. She always had a fancy for the skirt with large leaves though. But today her friend Shalu would be wearing a new dress, so she thought she would get along with the pink one, as it was the prettiest.

Mother asked “Are you going to spend the whole day, trying to choose a dress? Get ready fast or you will get into trouble with father, for being late.”